Google Ads Experts in Melbourne

Google Ads Agency Melbourne: Get Targeted Search Traffic

get Your Business noticed with Google Ads

Discover The Words Your Audience Uses

Optimise your site with the right keywords to capture the attention of users actively searching for what you offer.

Create Content That Captures And Converts

Deliver value through high-quality, relevant content that not only ranks well on search engines, but also engages and educates your audience.

Google Performance Max Image

Build bridges to your site

Curate high-quality backlinks from reputable sites to boost your website’s authority. This not only improves your rankings but also directs high-value traffic to your site.

Dominate your local market

Turn your business into a local hotspot. Connect with customers in your area using local SEO tactics.

Make your site mobile-friendly for on-the-go users

Revolutionizing Engagement with Google Demand Gen Ads

Google Demand Gen ads allow you to optimize website traffic, convert high-value users, and bid against efficient metrics while using data-driven attribution to show the full value of a campaign in the Google Ecosystem. They aim to capture potential customers’ interest before they start searching for related products or services. Demand Gen ads combine the features of Discovery Ads with expanded YouTube reach, including YouTube In-Stream and Shorts. They also offer more ad format options, allowing advertisers to use videos and images to create impactful ads. Additionally, they provide new ad creative tools for experimentation, expanded bidding strategies, and enhanced reporting options to track Brand Lift, Search Lift, and Conversion Lift.

Edit Content
EOS Footwear

Women's Footwear Brand

The Challenge: EOS Footwear sought our expertise to scale their growth alongside maintaining a robust Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).

The Strategy: We conducted a granular analysis of keyword performance of their products, eliminating underperforming keywords and scaling bids on high-converting, cost-effective keywords. This targeted approach maximised visibility for less competitive, yet highly relevant search queries.

  • Refining and targeting keywords with high intent
  • Building relevant and high-converting product pages
  • Creating remarketing campaigns to retarget warm audiences
Conversion Rate
+ 0 %
Average Order Value
+ 0 %
Repeat Purchases
+ 0 %
Edit Content
Pinnacle Customs

Lead Generation for Car Detailer

The Challenge: Pinnacle Customs wanted to be known as a top-tier provider of car detailing services in their local area

The Strategy: We devised a robust plan focusing on hyper localised keywords and local ad campaigns designed to attract and convert leads at the best possible cost. Our approach transformed Pinnacle Customs into the go-to detailer within their local area. 

  • Attracted qualified leads with local search terms for their service
  • Build a steady inflow of daily qualified organic leads
  • Attained exceptionally low lead acquisition costs with ads
Daily Leads
+ 0 %
Cost Per Lead
- 0 %
Daily Organic Traffic
+ 0 %
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Cowper Residences

Add Your Heading Text Here

You’ve got big dreams for your small business, and you know pay-per-click is the fast track to growth. But what happens when you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of pouring time and money into Google Ad campaigns, and still not hitting those growth targets?

That’s where we come in. As specialists in Google Ads, we’re not just another general practitioner in the crowded space of digital marketing. We’re the surgeons you need to optimise your spending, increase leads and boost your ROI.

We’ve seen agencies spread themselves thin, trying to be everywhere at once. Not us. PPC isn’t just another one of our service offerings. It’s our bread and butter. That’s how you know we’ll put everything into delivering high impact Google Ads to businesses like yours.

We’re not distracted by the latest digital marketing fad or thinking about upselling our next service to you. Every campaign, every keyword, every ad is laser-targeted towards your business growth, because your success is directly tied to ours.

Satisfied Customers
+ 0 x
Years of Experience
+ 0 x
Years of Experience
+ 0 x
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Hey Doodle

Dummy Text

You’ve got big dreams for your small business, and you know pay-per-click is the fast track to growth. But what happens when you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of pouring time and money into Google Ad campaigns, and still not hitting those growth targets?

That’s where we come in. As specialists in Google Ads, we’re not just another general practitioner in the crowded space of digital marketing. We’re the surgeons you need to optimise your spending, increase leads and boost your ROI.

We’ve seen agencies spread themselves thin, trying to be everywhere at once. Not us. PPC isn’t just another one of our service offerings. It’s our bread and butter. That’s how you know we’ll put everything into delivering high impact Google Ads to businesses like yours.

Satisfied Customers
+ 0 x
Cool Number
+ 0 x
Cool Number
+ 0 x
Edit Content

Dummy Text

You’ve got big dreams for your small business, and you know pay-per-click is the fast track to growth. But what happens when you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of pouring time and money into Google Ad campaigns, and still not hitting those growth targets?

That’s where we come in. As specialists in Google Ads, we’re not just another general practitioner in the crowded space of digital marketing. We’re the surgeons you need to optimise your spending, increase leads and boost your ROI.

We’ve seen agencies spread themselves thin, trying to be everywhere at once. Not us. PPC isn’t just another one of our service offerings. It’s our bread and butter. That’s how you know we’ll put everything into delivering high impact Google Ads to businesses like yours.

Satisfied Customers
+ 0 x
Successful Projects
+ 0 x
Years of Experience
+ 0 x


Traffic Increase
Return On Ad Spend
Time Span
Women’s Designer Footwear
24 months
Affordable Footwear
12 months
Gellae Logo
Gel Nail Stickers
16 months
download (1)
Children’s Coloring Books
16 months
download (2)
Automotive Products
16 months

Lead Generation

Traffic Increase
Lead Growth
Time Span
Logo (1)
Compliance Checker
24 months
Logo (2)
Hot Water Installation
12 months
Uconnected Logo
Telecommunications Services
16 months
Online General Practitioners
16 months
Logo (3)
16 months

Our Clients

Why do clients choose Search Traffic time and time again?

For starters, we do things a little differently

Unmatched Quality

We have a select group of only 50 clients. We don't take anything more than that. This deliberate cap allows us to guarantee the highest standards in our campaigns. Every client we have receives dedicated focus that they rightfully deserve.

We don't overpromise

We don’t make promises we can’t keep. Our approach is grounded in reality, starting with an audit to understand your business. From there, we tailor strategies that align with your KPIs and business goals.

We'll Speak Your Language

Whether you’re new to Google Ads or fluent in PPC speak, we communicate on your level. We spend time understanding your products and industry before we run any campaigns.

No lock-in contracts

You’re free to continue using our management service only if you love the results, not because a contract with minimum duration says you have to.

Straight talk only

We prioritize open and honest communication about what we can realistically achieve together. This ensures you have a clear understanding from the outset of how we can address and overcome your business challenges.

Direct Access to Experts

With large digital agencies, you may find yourself speaking to layers of junior account managers. With Search Traffic, you have direct access to experienced specialists who grow businesses. Making us the perfect partner for a hands-on service.

Committed to Growth

We are relentless at optimising and cutting wasted ad spend, ensuring your campaign grows at a sustainable rate. We cut on average 30% of wasted ad spend (within 30 days) for every new client who joins us.

Unique Tailored Strategies

Every strategy we employ is customised to your target audience. Our team spends time studying your value proposition to ensure we tailor all the messaging to your target market desires and needs.

Numbers like you wouldn't believe

How We Get Quality Search Traffic for Businesses

By conducting in-depth research into your industry, competitors, and customers, we’re able to develop customised strategies that target the right audience, with the right message, at the right time. 

This means that we’re not just driving traffic to your website –we’re attracting the ideal clients who are most likely to be interested in your products or services and convert into paying customers. 

It all starts with a process. One that delivers measurable results and drives sustainable business growth.

1.Keyword and competitive research

Keyword research is essential to targeting the right audience. That’s why we conduct extensive research to ensure our clients’ ads are being shown to the right people. 

2. Audience targeting

Your ads are targeted based on keyword intent, geographic location, age, gender, interests, and any other metric that defines your target demographic. This allows your business to reach the right people at the right time.

3. Data-driven insights

We never stop tracking your performance. By monitoring a wide range of metrics, we’re able to constantly fine-tune your campaigns and ensure they continue to optimise your returns.

4. Ongoing improvements

PPC advertising isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it process. We actively tweak and refine your campaigns to ensure it continues to perform optimally and deliver quality results.


Freelancers/ Fiverr Gig/ Upwork

Other Marketing Agencies

Search Traffic Success

Proven Strategy for Growth✔️✔️
High Quality Competitive Analysis✔️✔️
Long-Term, Sustainable Results✔️
Direct & Personal Client Relationships✔️✔️✔️
High Client Retention Rate✔️
Flexibility & Customization✔️✔️✔️
Cost-Effective Solutions✔️✔️
Rapid Response & Turnaround✔️✔️
Diverse Range of Digital Marketing Services✔️✔️

Why Running Ads Yourself is a bad idea

Hiring isn't cheap

Hiring a full-time employee will set you back about $40k a year. And that's before accounting for employee benefits, training, and tools.

PPC is hard

Running Google Ads requires operating complex settings and features. That can be overwhelming to anyone not specialised in digital advertising.

You're wasting precious time

As a business owner, your to-do list is already packed. Running your own ads will only add to the mountain.

Results aren't guaranteed

Without the right expertise, running your own ads is a gamble. And it's more likely than not you'll miss your targets.








Our Expertise

Our Process

  • Targeting the Right Customers We'll not only help your business reach more customers on Google, we'll reach the right customers. This means we'll research your market and target customer before running any ads.
  • Keyword Relevance We'll find the right search terms that your potential customers are using on Google and make sure your ads are shown to those who are most interested in your products or services.
  • ROI Focussed We constantly improve your ad performance with A/B split testing. This will result in more clicks and conversions, which in turn leads to a better ROI.
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation Get more sales by making sure your website optimised for conversions. We'll assess your landing pages and product pages, to see if they are designed in a way that encourages your visitors to take action.
  • Advanced PPC Audits By analyzing your ad performance and targeting strategies, we provide actionable insights that will help you optimize your campaigns for maximum results.
  • YouTube Search Ads Strategy Despite YouTube being a powerful search engine and the #1 video site in the world, it's often overlooked by business owners. It's NOT only for video creators, businesses can create engaging video ads that are targeted to the right audience, leading to more conversions and better ROI.

Why Us?

  • Content Creation The production of engaging materials like articles and videos for digital marketing, aimed at attracting and retaining audiences, driving customer action.
  • Organic Keyword Research Identifying search terms used by people in search engines, crucial for optimizing content and improving search engine visibility.
  • Local Citations Mentions of a business's name, address, and phone number on external sites, essential for improving visibility in local search results and establishing credibility.
  • Backlinks Links from external websites to your own, key for SEO as they indicate content quality and relevance, improving search rankings.
  • Competitor Analysis Assessing competitors' SEO strategies, including keywords and content quality, to identify opportunities for improvement and competitive advantages.
  • On-page Optimisation Measures within a website to improve search rankings, including content optimization, meta descriptions, and HTML element adjustments.
  • Off-page Optimisation Actions outside a website, like backlink building and social media marketing, to enhance the site's authority and search engine rankings.

Why our clients love us

Ready for your ads to work smarter?

If your Google Ad campaigns are more miss than hit, it’s time for a change. But first, we need to know where your campaigns are at.

We’ll start with a campaign audit to see exactly how we can help. If you’re ready for your investment to truly pay off and bring in the traffic your business deserves, we should definitely talk.